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We’ve partnered with a big charity! – The Lockerz

We’ve partnered with a big charity!

//We’ve partnered with a big charity!

We’ve partnered with a big charity!

So far so much has been achieved. 

I am please to confirm we now have an amazing Charity Partner for our Christmas Song “Say A Prayer For Christmas” and we will be announcing who they are on October 1st. 

I can confirm that our project is to raise money and awareness for the Elderly who suffer from loneliness and social isolation across the UK. 

There are 5.4 million people in the UK who are over 75, and 2.2 million of them live alone. 

More than 250,000 people aged 75 and over aren’t looking forward to Christmas because for them it’s “just another day” 

1 million people aged 75+ in England often go a month without meeting up with a friend. 

This will be the biggest fundraising project We have ever done However I am looking forward to helping those who desperately need our help. We are only 5 normal guys however we are on a mission to Make A Difference. 

I will post some clips of song in October. 

Thank you for supporting us. 







2019-09-28T10:27:09+00:00 Categories: The Journey|